On 02/07/2017 01:44 AM, Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:
 > All of those are unofficial builds. I recommend using the official build
 > from the SeaMonkey Project, which is version 2.46.

Wrong recommendation. Adrians builds are made from the official sources and any problem his builds have the official one will have too unless there were fixed in the source tree after the build was done. There is nothing wrong with using them. The biggest problem is that crashes do not have crash symbols.


So, in my limited capacity of supporting SeaMonkey. I need to install 2.46 from the SeaMonkey Project, 2.48 64-bit from Adrian's builds, or is this users install from <http://www.m64.info/index.php/seamonkey-64-bit-download>

It's getting complicated.

Sorry, I think users should stick with SeaMonkey Project releases.

WaltS48 wrote:
On 02/06/2017 07:31 PM, S Slicer wrote:
I am happily using SeaMonkey v2.45 64-bit. This 64-bit version had been updated to v2.47 and v2.48. However, both v2.47 and v2.48 crash whenever I try to compose an e-mail, or reply to an e-mail. The only plug-ins I have are Adobe Flash Player, Silverlight. The only add-on I have is FireShot which I am not willing to uninstall.

Does anyone know what changed in the newer versions to cause this?

All of those are unofficial builds. I recommend using the official build from the SeaMonkey Project, which is version 2.46.


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