On 3/11/2017 9:22 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
> On 03/11/2017 10:50 AM, Ray_Net wrote:
>> Richard Owlett wrote on 11-03-17 16:32:
>>> I have three profiles whose only distinction is how they handle web
>>> activities.
>>> One is my default, day to day, preferences. Primary characteristic is
>>> browsing without commonly abused HTML "features" such as cookies,
>>> JavaScript, an backgrounds that make a site unreadable.
>>> The second is set to match the wishes of my bank.
>>> The third will be used as a remote terminal to administer the church's
>>> website.
>>> I want separate histories and bookmarks for each.
>>> I wish to access all my emails and newsgroups from each.
>>> Can I? Preferably simply and conveniently ;/
>>> TIA
>> My idea is: Use Thunderbird for mail and newsgroup
> No thanks. I'm a suite fanatic dating from days of Netscape 4.x and set 
> in my ways ;/
> Thank you.

By using SeaMonkey for Web browsing and Thunderbird for E-mail and
newsgroups, I can switch browsing profiles -- which I do frequently --
without terminating my current E-mail and newsgroup session.

David E. Ross

Paraphrasing Mark Twain, who was quoting someone else:
There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and
alternative truths.
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