Richard Owlett wrote:
On 03/11/2017 10:56 AM, WaltS48 wrote:
Richard Owlett wrote:
I have three profiles whose only distinction is how they handle web

One is my default, day to day, preferences. Primary characteristic is
browsing without commonly abused HTML "features" such as cookies,
JavaScript, an backgrounds that make a site unreadable.

The second is set to match the wishes of my bank.

The third will be used as a remote terminal to administer the church's

I want separate histories and bookmarks for each.

I wish to access all my emails and newsgroups from each.
Can I? Preferably simply and conveniently ;/

Well, I would create a separate profile for mail, then open it, go to
Edit > Preferences > Appearance and set "When SeaMonkey starts up,
open", remove the check mark for "Browser" and check "Mail & Newsgroups".

Then Quit, and restart using that profile in a separate window from any
of the other 3 setups. The I could open any of the others using their
profiles and my mail would be available.

Obviously the new mail profile would have no settings, so to easily fix
that I would copy the profile that currently has my email accounts
setup, from the profile that does have email accounts, to the mail
profile and live happily ever after.

Wait, let me try that. Oops, create the profile first, then copy the
contents of the profile that currently has your email accounts to the
new mail only profile.

Start SeaMonkey with that profile, change the "When SeaMonkey starts up,
open" setting, and from there forward that profile will only open with
the Mail & Newsgroups window.

Tested and verified to work as this message proves.

Sort of like having Firefox and Thunderbird. ;)

That is model I wish to avoid!

That model allows you to open all three browser profiles and the mail profile in separate windows.

Mail & Newsgroups already opens in a separate window when launched, so you sort of have that model anyway.

Or you can figure out all of the email only files and folders from your
profile that has mail, and copy and paste them into the other 2 profiles.

Phrased that way, I don't think it would be quite right.
I wish to access all email/newsgroup folders from all profiles showing identical content.

But you got me thinking. What if profiles "B" and "C" had links to the mail/newsgroup folders of profile "A"? Needs some thought and testing in a safe environment - I've crashed my OS twice in three days ;)

Make backups of all profiles before tinkering.
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