Rob Steinmetz wrote:
Jonathan N. Little wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Don't know if it matters that I already had SM running!

no, works either way

It doesn't work for me. I get this error in both Win XP and Win 7

"LibreOffice was unable to find a working e-mail configuration."

To me, that indicates that you don't have Windows properly set to use Seamonkey as the default mail program. The problem isn't really Libre, so much as it is that Libre is simply trying to grab the Windows default, and the default isn't defined.

Take a look at this one:

This one emphasizes setting the default handling of the MAILTO: HTML tag, but I would also verify the settings in "Set your default programs".

I suggest:

- Open the Windows Control Panel and paste into the address bar:
 Control Panel\Programs\Default Programs\Set Default Programs

- Select SeaMonkey (Mail), then select "Choose Defaults for this Program".

- In the resulting screen, make sure that the settings for .eml (Extensions), MAILTO (Protocols) and Send Mail (MAPI) are all set to Enabled.

If one or more are not, then back up one screen, and select "Set this program as default".

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