rickman wrote on 6/6/2017 12:54 PM:
MozUser wrote on 6/6/2017 12:12 PM:
All that jabber and I did not see where anyone could tell me the meaning of
those icons.  Are all of them defined someplace or are we just supposed to
ignore their meaning ?  I think not otherwise why would they bother to put
them up !

I am talking about the area where the unexpanded posts and expanded post
trees are shown and only the icons that are in the column just to the left
of the "Subject" column.  That's the column that has an icon in the header,
under which there are only icons.

Here is a link to a screen capture of my SeaMonkey.  Two message icons are
circled.  The top one indicates a message that has been downloaded before
the previous time of viewing this group.  Obviously most of the icons
displayed look like this.  The bottom circled icon is on a message that was
recently downloaded and so is "new".  Once I leave the group and return,
this icon will turn into the other one.

Notice there is no difference in the icons for read vs. unread messages. The
bold type indicates unread messages.


I would like to point out what I consider an anomaly in the icons. If you look at the far left column where I have the thread icons, you will see the circled icon shows a green arrow. The right side message icon has now changed to not show a "new" message since I left the group and returned. So clearly the green arrow in the thread icon does not mean the same thing it does in the message icon or in the folder/group icon (a "new" message). In the thread icon it simply means there are unread messages.

I consider this a bug. Someone earlier had posted that the icons should be intuitive and this is very much *not* intuitive. Would you agree?

Do you think this was intentional or a mistake?



Rick C
support-seamonkey mailing list

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