I'm running SM 2.46 under Windows 10 Pro 64 bit. I also have Firefox 54.0 and MS Edge. I much prefer SM over the other browsers.

When bad weather is in the area, I leave SM running with two tabs open. The first is our local weather radar at and the other is the hourly forecast at

Within minutes, both SM and FF are using over 500MB of memory. After a couple of hours, SM is using over 3GB! (I have 16GB installed on the system, and I haven't left FF running this long to see how much memory it would eventually use.) With this much memory usage, SM frequently becomes unresponsive for minutes at a time and sometimes totally crashes.

Under the same conditions, MS Edge is only using about 23MB of memory!
Is there a solution to this issue for SM? Thanks!

Sounds like something relating to a script isn going awry. As David Ross has noted, turning off JavaScript would probably get you around the problem, although doing it at browser level would disrupt other sites that use scripting.

A couple of other things that you could try:

- See what happens when you launch Seamonkey in Safe Mode (Help -> Restart with add-ons disabled). Sometimes the source of scripting errors is related to stuff in your user profile, and I've seen a one-time restart in Safe Mode can occasionally clear things there.

- You might also take a look at the NoScript extension, where you start off by disabling all scripting hosts, and then enabling one at a time. That can help you find which scripting host is causing problems, and you may be able to isolate the problem script (or at least the host that delivers it).

For, they use a lot of animation, and it's likely the scripts that support that, that are having problems.


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