On 7/28/17 4:13 AM, Steve Rogerson wrote:
Hi Ed, I am not a techy. I don't know what safe mode is and am not sure what 
you mean by a new profile.

Safe Mode <http://kb.mozillazine.org/Safe_Mode>

Profile <http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_Manager>
>SeaMonkey (or Mozilla Suite) users can access the Profile Manager from an open program window by selecting "Tools -> Switch Profile..." from the menu.

If you do that, select Manage Profiles, Create Profile, Next, then give the profile a name (I use test), Finish, select the profile in the list of Available Profiles and Use Profile.

You will then have to open the Mail & Newsgroups window and setup your mail account, create the folders, create the filters, get email and see if the filter works.

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