After upgrading to 2.48 I encountered two issues. Windows 10 Pro 1704 SeaMonkey 2.48 32-bit.

First issue is ReminderFox plugin failed to sync with Google Calendar. Failed with 400 bad request. Been using ReminderFox for years with no problem but now would not sync even when trying to recreate the link. So substituted with Lightning plus Provider for Google Calendar. Fair substitute except you cannot really mark status of events like in ReminderFox.

Next issue that was the deal breaker could no longer print from SeaMonkey. Either direct or via Print Preview would throw error.

Tested on Linux and does not seem to have the print problem.

Reinstalled 2.46. Rebooted and not only does print and print preview now works but ReminderFox plugin works!

Anyone else have similar issues?

Take care,

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