Dear Sea Monkey,

I had a scour on your web page on this issue, but couldn't come up with anything. I have Sea Monkey 2.48 on my late 2013 iMAC, now running osSierra. My problem is, that in the email window the left hand side window has all my email accounts etc in it, but I have two versions of some of the accounts - one being POP and the other IMAP. I did this to try and retrieve some accidentally deleted local folders that once existed in Thunderbird, but to no avail. So, to take one of these, I have a POP email account (The above email address), and another IMAP version - both using the same password. The intention was to sort things out, and then keep the POP accounts, but delete the IMAP accounts. It suits me better, as I do not want to have anything to do with iCloud - or Google for that matter. However, when I try to go into the setup facility, I cannot check which one is which - so as to delete the right one safely. I get an error message saying that "there is already an account with this email address" etc., and it won't let me in to the necessary information. Is there a way around this, or at least how can I correctly identify which version of the account is which?

Kind Regards,

Vince Smith.
support-seamonkey mailing list

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