win 7/64   SM 2.48

anyone else having a problem with SM logging into American Express

the log in page - allow me to log in OK
after it accepts my info it goes to:
at which point it shows just a blank page

I tested the same scenario using a test profile, and the same thing happened
I then tested the same procedure using Firefox 56.0, and it worked OK

I have not spoken with AX about whether they have made any changes to their site
I do plan to talk with them.  MY SM is advertising FF compatibility

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David H. Durgee wrote on 9/13/17 4:34 PM:
Today the American Express web site stopped working for me with SM 2.48 here.  
I see the
base web site fine:

But when I logon to my account it goes to this page:

This page does NOT display.  I have tried this both with the actual UA and with 
the Firefox
51 UA and neither loads this page.

I went to Firefox itself and the web site worked properly.  This is Firefox 
55.0.2 (64 bit)
on linux mint 17.3 x64.

Anyone else having a problem with American Express?


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I just got off the phone with AX, and their "tech support" person

he claims that NO CHANGES have been made to the AX website for several months,
and that no on else has called them about any problem mentioned above

he claims that IE, Chrome, FF, Opera all work just fine with their site
(he's not heard of SM)

I did manage to pay the monthly amount, but needed to click on other options 
other than my acct
sorta backdoor, but eventually got to my acct and made the payment

seems there are several people who also encountered this experience
anyone have a fix for this, rather than a work around ??

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