Been running SM for many years and currently using 2.49.1 without any problems. I have used password manager for years without any problems.

However, a couple of versions back I had to log in for the first time at an organization's site, but SM would not offer to save the ID and password details for me, and still not on subsequent occasions. The help desk people at the organization suggested that I might have accidentally clicked on "never save password." I don't think I did, but when I went to check this out, something seems amiss.

Firstly, I deleted an already saved item from the password manager, then went to the relevant site and logged in manually to see if SM offered to remember the details again. It did, so that aspect of things seems to be working correctly.

Secondly, I looked in the SM help file to read up on the subject. There, it says that the Password Manager has two tabs, one saying "passwords saved" and the other saying "passwords never saved." However, when I click on Tools - Password Manager - Managed Stored Passwords", what I get is a window labelled "Data Manager."  This is divided vertically into 2 resizable halves. The left is headed with a drop-down box where you can select All data Types, Cookies only, Permissions only, Preferences only,  Passwords only, and Storage only. Below that is a search box labelled Search Domains, which appears to search All data types, which includes all the other categories.

On the right half of the window, at the top, are 5 tabs labelled Cookies, Permissions, Preferences, Passwords, and Storage. These are greyed out, but one or the other will go live when an item is clicked on in one of the afore-mentioned categories that can have their contents listed over in the left half. Once a web site address in the Passwords category on the left is clicked on, the passwords tab on the right goes live and two buttons labelled Show Passwords and Remove appear along with the now displayed URL and Username.

The point of this long description is that nowhere in the window are the tabs saying "passwords saved" and "passwords never saved" which the Help file states should be there.

Why not?

The absence of the "passwords never saved" tab meant that I couldn't check the contents to see if I had, in fact, accidentally instructed SM to never save the password as the organization's help desk suggested.

Bottom line seems to be that either the SM Help file is out of date due to some changes to the SM GUI, or there is something wrong with SM. Any suggestions would be welcome, because SM saves all my other passwords as it should, and I think it is the website that is at fault - I hope to convince them of that.
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