Ken Rudolph wrote:

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:


If the answer's no, then try this:

4) Restart SeaMonkey in Safe Mode, disabling all add-ons. If that solves it, one of your add-ons is the guilty party. (If that doesn't solve it, report back.)

5) Assuming Safe Mode solved the problem, restart SeaMonkey in Safe Mode again, disabling all but two add-ons. If the problem reappears, one of those two is guilty. Otherwise, repeat this step with two more. If the problem reappears, one of those two is guilty. Otherwise, repeat this step with two more. ... When you come to the point where you have two suspects, restart SeaMonkey in Safe Mode, enabling only one of those two suspects. That will tell you which is guilty.

I'm unable to make any of this work, other than clearing cache and cookies (which didn't solve the Netflix problem).  Then, I don't know how to open and run SM in safe mode to begin with (I'm assuming you don't mean open Windows 10 in safe mode, which I could do by shift+restart...but would rather not.)

Another problem I've just discovered is that I seem to have two
versions of SM on this computer. One is in "Program Files" which is
SeaMonkey 2.49.1. When I open this the release notes say in big red
letters: "Automatic upgrades from previous versions are, for most
configurations, disabled for this release. Please download the full
installer from the downloads section and install SeaMonkey 2.49.1
manually over the previous version."

The other is in "Program Files (x86)" which loads SM 2.46. Both seem
to use the same profile. Also, both do not play Netflix videos even
after clearing cache and cookies.

Windows button (calls the Start menu), All Programs, SeaMonkey should give you four options:

Profile Manager
SeaMonkey (Safe Mode)
SeaMonkey Mail

Given what you've said about having two versions installed, it's probably best if you first right-click "SeaMonkey (Safe Mode)" and choose "Properties" to see which one it's pointing to. The "Target" field will give you the full path to the executable program. Mine is in the default folder, \Program Files (x86)\.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
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