Lee wrote on 08-01-18 01:06:
On 1/7/18, Ray_Net <tbrraymond.schmit...@tbrscarlet.be> wrote:
Lee wrote on 07-01-18 22:44:
summary: The vuln. mitigation is to install noscript + request policy
continued or uMatrix + uBlock Origin or whatever other addon combo
that allows javascript from only whitelisted sites.

On 1/7/18, Ray_Net <tbrraymond.schmit...@tbrscarlet.be> wrote:
WaltS48 wrote on 06-01-18 18:05:
On 1/6/18 2:36 AM, Ray_Net wrote:
I have read:

"Disable Javascript until browser company comes out with patch for
vulnerable Javascript."

So, will SM issue a patch against the Spectre exploit ?
Mozilla needs to come up with a patch first.  What they have now only
blocks the obvious timing attack methods.

SeaMonkey 2.49.1 is based on Firefox 52 ESR code, and Firefox 52 ESR
doesn't have SharedBufferArray enabled.
||SharedArrayBuffer| is already disabled in Firefox 52 ESR.
|REF: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories/mfsa2018-01/

Would it mean that we are protected ?

Look at the FF advisory
    The precision of performance.now() has been reduced from 5μs to
20μs, and the SharedArrayBuffer feature has been disabled because it
can be used to construct a high-resolution timer.

SeaMonkey doesn't implement the SharedArrayBuffer feature but I'm
guessing it's performance.now() function still has the 5μs resolution
and that will take a patch to fix.

But changing the performance.now() resolution is not sufficient.  Take a
look at
    Furthermore, other timing sources and time-fuzzing techniques are
being worked on.

Which is like saying we've locked the front door so nobody can walk
right in anymore but the ground floor windows are still wide open.

Follow the "other timing sources and time-fuzzing techniques" link to
    Abstract. Research showed that microarchitectural attacks like cache
attacks can be performed through websites using JavaScript. These
timing attacks allow an adversary to spy on users secrets such as
their keystrokes,leveraging fine-grained timers. However, the W3C and
browser vendors responded to this significant threat by eliminating
fine-grained timers from JavaScript. This renders previous
high-resolution microarchitectural attacks non-applicable.

    >>We demonstrate the inefficacy of this mitigation<< by finding and
evaluating a wide range of new sources of timing information. We
develop measurement methods that exceed the resolution of official
timing sources by to orders of magnitude on all major browsers, and
even more on Tor browser. Our timing measurements do not only
re-enable previous attacks to their full extent but also allow
implementing new attacks. We demonstrate a new DRAM-based covert
channel between a website and an unprivileged app in a virtual machine
without network hardware. Our results emphasize that quick-fix
mitigations can establish a dangerous false sense of security.

In short, performance.now() and SharedBufferArray are the easy/obvious
ways to get a high resolution timer in javascript but they're not the
only possible methods.

So... what to do?  The exploit mitigation is to install noscript +
request policy continued or uMatrix + uBlock Origin or whatever other
addon combo that allows javascript from only whitelisted sites.

For "Request Policy" we have for all versions:
This add-on is not compatible with your version of SeaMonkey.
"Request Policy" was the original - you want "RequestPolicy Continued"
which is easier to use:

which links to

For "NoScript Security Suite" we have:
Only with FireFox.
yeah.. you need to scroll down to 'version history' & click on 'see
all versions'
It looks like is the last one that will work w/ SM
   Works with Firefox 45.0 - 56.0, SeaMonkey 2.42 - *

Anyway, it's better that SM solve problems instead of a need to install a myriad of extensions.
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