On 2/16/2018 3:42 PM, Smiles wrote:
> I keep getting this warning but can not choose to accept the error and 
> go forward
> can anyone advise
> thanks

When I get this -- and I am sure the Web site is safe -- I use the
Certificate Manager to establish an exception by downloading the site
certificate.  Sometimes, I do this only for the current session; other
times, I mark it to be saved.

To get the Certificate Manager, right-click on the padlock near the
right end of the status bar at the bottom of the SeaMonkey window.  To
make an exception, select the Servers tab on the Certificate Manager

David E. Ross

President Trump:  Please stop using Twitter.  We need
to hear your voice and see you talking.  We need to know
when your message is really your own and not your attorney's.
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