NFN Smith wrote:
DoctorBill wrote:

WHY can't I stop any web page at any time ?


I have "NoScript" running (I think!) but as to what choices to toggle in
the program menu - they are ALL JARGON which I do not understand !
I don't even know if it actually IS doing anything...

My experience with NoScript is that it blacklists everything by default, and that you generally have to whitelist (temporarily or permanently), individual scripting hosts.

At first level of user interface, the default handling is to put a small icon in the toolbar at the very bottom of a Seamonkey window. In my display, that's between the lock icon that shows certificate information, and the icon shown by AdBlock Plus.  In my own implementation, I also tweak my Navigation toolbar at the top of the display. If I right-click on that toolbar, and select "customize", that allows me to drag NoScript buttons into the toolbar.  The buttons for Temporarily All Scripts in this Page, and Revoke Temporary Permissions should be self-explanatory.  If you use the NoScript button, that's the same thing as you get with the icon at the bottom of the page.

If you dig further into the options settings, there's stuff that's a lot more cryptic, and I don't understand a lot of them myself, especially in the Advanced tab -- a lot of that assumes knowledge of web page design. For most of what you want, the settings would be in the General and Whitelist tabs.  For most of the stuff in the other tabs, default settings should be adequate, unless you know you have specific reason to change something.

NoScript has a lot of power, but it takes some tinkering with to get it tuned for what you want, especially in handling whitelisting or marking specific scripting hosts as permanently untrusted.

For me, I'm generally content to leave nearly everything blacklisted, as a default, and then temporarily whitelisting, when needed. But even that takes a bit of tinkering.  There's certainly sites that I trust (e.g, scripting coming from the domain name itself), and I trust certain scripting engines.  Scripting from content mirrors (such as cloudfront), or Content Delivery Networks (with CDN) are generally candidates for whitelisting. On the other hand, stuff from advertising networks (many, but not all may have "ad" in the name, such as adsonar) are worth blocking.

Depending on your browsing habits, some scripting hosts deliver both stuff you want to see and stuff you want to block, and sometimes you have to choose to accept the garbage, for stuff that you want.  This is especially true with some sites that use the same scripting host to deliver auto-play media content, photos, and text content.  I've also found that with some sites, it takes multiple runs of "Temporarily allow all on this page". Some scripting hosts may not try to deliver stuff immediately, until you've granted permission to other scripts.  And this is especially true with sites that do forms (particularly purchasing). Occasionally, I'll get part way into a form, and discover that there's scripts that are blocked. When I enable the scripts (and the browser repaints the page), then I get a clean form, having lost everything that's already been entered.

If you're simply trying to block scripts when they get to be intrusive or obnoxious, another approach could be with PrefBar.  One of the options there is JavaScript, and if you have that enabled, it's a mtter of just toggling a tick box on a toolbar, to turn on or turn off scripting.  I don't use that one, but I make occasional use of similar options of blocking/enabling images, cookies, sending referrer data, etc.


YesScript works to disable scripts for a particular site. It makes a blacklist for sites not allowed to use scripting.

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