EE wrote on 05-05-18 19:53:
Richmond wrote:
EE wrote:
Richmond wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Richmond wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Richmond wrote:

I have SM set to view the message body as plain text. But it does not
show attachments. At least it did not show some in a forwarded
from an apple mail client. Is this what we want? It could at least
that there are attachments without trying any further interpretation.

Not sure what you mean "show attachments," but there are a couple of
ways for you to detect that a message contains an attachment.


None of those options work if you have View Message Body As Plain Text.
It is as if there are no attachments, no paperclips, no save as
nothing. At the very least I would thing plain text would include
of the attachment headers, although that would be a rather messy way of
doing it.

I tested your claim here with messages originally written in HTML and
with messages originally written in plain text, and in all cases the
options I described worked as expected. I tested with View Message Body As Plain Text and with View Message Body As Original HTML, and it made
no difference.

SM 2.49.2, Win7 Pro SP1, SeaMonkey Default Theme.

It seems that some attachments do work, and some don't. In this instance
it is a forwarded message (i.e. forwarded to me from someone with an
apple client who received a message with attachments).

The message and its attachments display OK in Gmail webmail, and also on
my Iphone mail client.

 From what I understood from using Thunderbird, attachments are removed
from messages before forwarding them.

I have found another example where I sent an email to myself from my
iPhone. The attachment is not recognized until I change the view from
plain text to original HTML. I can't see any reason for this, especially
as it is not consistent. If there is a reason for it, then it would
apply to all attachments, not just those from Apple clients. So I
conclude that SM is not handling attachments from Apple properly.
(Whether because of Apple, or because of SM).

That sounds strange.  With Thunderbird, I have sent messages to myself from the computer to the iPad with attachments, and also from Safari on the iPad to the computer with attachments, always using plain text messages, and the attachments arrive.  I have to use Thunderbird because I was unable to get SeaMonkey to work with IMAP email.

It's normal that the attachment is available when you send a plain-text mail with an attachment... but try to compose and send an HTML mail with a copy/paste on the content of a picture instead of adding an attachment - then the guy who receive your mail - if he force the plain-text-format reading ... the picture is then not available until he force the html-format reading.
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