sean wrote:
WaltS48 wrote:
On 6/10/18 3:07 PM, sean wrote:
Well... this has been long running. I can't recollect when it started but Seamonkey doesn't like it when I direct it to find Local Folders on a separate sata drive from the main C: drive.... I have many GB of mail history and really don't want it on my smallish C: drive in my latest re-installation of my desktop...

any ideas? am I correct this used to work?


Don't know what you mean.

Need exact steps to reproduce.

my machine has a C: drive for programs, and an F: and G: drive for backup storage. In the past I have always directed the local folders to one or the other of the storage drives where all archives are kept.

for while now, whenever I reboot the machine, the local folders has lost contact with the path to the storage drive that is selected in Account Settings: /media/sean/7DCF1DCD6715DC30/local folders

Which operating system are you attempting to do this from? Mention of C:, F: and G: drives looks like Windows, but /media/sean/... looks like a Linux path. Your user-agent header also indicates that you're posting from Linux, although that may not be the system you're having problems with.

If Linux, it may be worth checking that the disk is mounted before starting SeaMonkey.

If you're attempting to share a single SeaMonkey profile between both Windows and Linux, that won't work - particularly in this case where there are paths which need to be specified differently on the two systems.

While I run both Win10 and PeppermintOS Linux... I only access SM from within linux... pardon my dominate windows terminology.

My machine mounts all drives at start up... it's a trivial thing to link Seamonkey back to the proper drive... just wonder why the settings don't "stick"

who assumes tagzilla is like the Norwegian Parrot... no more...

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