> Cruz, Jaime wrote on 05/13/2014 04:24 AM:
>> After playing around with several different browsers there are a couple 
>> of minor "tweaks" I'd like to see to the Seamonkey interface.
>> I'd like to be able to close a tab from the tab itself. Firefox, Chrome 
>> and even Internet explorer put a little "x" on the left side of the tab 
>> (even an inactive one) that allows you to close the tab.  With 
>> Seamonkey, you have to bring the tab you want to close to the fore and 
>> then mouse all the way over to the right and click the "X" over there. 
>> As screens get higher and higher definitions, this gets more and more 
>> inconvenient.

In my old age (more than 3/4 of a century) my hands are not as steady as
they used to be.  The feature requested above exists in Thunderbird,
which I use instead of SeaMonkey for E-mail and newsgroups.  However, I
find that I sometimes attempt to select a tab but accidentally select
the X on the tab to the left of my target.  Not having those Xs in
SeaMonkey is a benefit to me.

>> Only one other minor tweak I'd like to see, and that's in the playback 
>> of HTML5 video.  Chrome and Firefox have a little clickable "button" at 
>> the bottom of the playback window that allows you to switch to full 
>> screen.  With Seamonkey, you have to right-click to bring up the menu 
>> and select "Full Screen" from there.

On a PC keyboard with Windows, selecting function key F11 gives a
full-screen view of the current SeaMonkey window.  This is a toggle;
that is, selecting F11 again restores the normal view.  All bars
disappear; the status bar at the bottom and the menu, tool, and PrefBar
bars at the top.  A reduced tool bar will appear at the top but only if
I put my cursor there.  I use this feature frequently.

David E. Ross

Attorney-General Sessions claims the bible favors imprisoning illegal
aliens.  However, God repeatedly commanded us to welcome the stranger in
our land.  For example, see the following:
Exodus 22:20 at
Exodus 23:9 at
Deuteronomy 10:19 at
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