Daniel wrote on 19-08-18 08:56:
mozilla-lists.mbou...@spamgourmet.com wrote on 19/08/2018 1:38 AM:
Daniel wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote on 18/08/2018 5:30 AM:
Ray_Net wrote:

This is my idea also .... replacing double-backslash by single-backslash could destroy the pref.js file ...

This is what I have in my pref.js file:
user_pref("browser.download.dir", "C:\\ADDON\\ADDED\\Mozilla-Suite\\SeaMonkey\\2.0.2"); user_pref("browser.download.lastDir", "C:\\ALLDATA\\RandoEvasion\\INSCRITS");

If you don't trust it, don't do a global search and replace. Try it with the one pref you're interested in and see what happens. If that fixes the problem, you can go back and apply the fix throughout the file.

To Mark's question: the backslashes are single in about:config.

 From what we've seen so far, the download failed for some reason, that's why the OP can't find the file (it's not there). My chief suspect at this point is the double backslashes -- if SM tries to save the file to a nonexistent directory or an invalid path, it will fail. But then it should throw an error to alert the user, even if the setting is "don't ask."

I have no expertise in Linux; my remarks refer only to the Windows installation.

As suggested by others, I looked in about:config and, sure enough, while looking in prefs.js,I got double slashes, when I looked in about:config, I got ...

browser.download.lastDir;    user set    String C:\Users\Daniel\Downloads

Single slashes ... just doesn't work for downloading SeaMonkey from the SeaMonkey-Project download page. Other downloads, things work fine!!

It does seem rather odd.

Using SeaMonkey 2.49.4 on Linux, I just went to <https://www.seamonkey-project.org/> and clicked the download link for SeaMonkey 2.49.4 "Windows, English (35 MB)" in the top right corner. I was prompted whether to open or save the file and, having selected "Save", where to save it to (depending on preferences, you might not be prompted). The <SeaMonkey Setup 2.49.4.exe> file downloads fine, so there doesn't seem to be any problem with the server (the file is actually around 41MB, but that's probably just an error in the text on the page; the checksum matches the en-US version).

Have you checked for site-specific download locations in Data Manager? Tools > Data Manager. Select domain "mozilla.net" and then on the "Preferences" tab remove any "browser.download.lastDir" entry. Do the same for domain "mozilla.org". If the directory doesn't exist or isn't accessible, I think it usually switches to the default download directory, but I'm not entirely certain of that if you have it set not to ask. Although you're clicking the link from seamonkey-project.org, the download is actually from download-installer.cdn.mozilla.net - hence checking the mozilla.net domain. Repeating for mozilla.org is just in case it helps, since that's where the archive downloads are hosted.

A couple of other thoughts... Is it possible that your anti-virus software is blocking the download, aborting it part way through, or moving the file to quarantine after the download completes? I'd still expect something to appear in SeaMonkey's Download Manager though, even if the file wasn't completely downloaded, but I guess something could be blocking the connection to download-installer.cdn.mozilla.net before the download even starts.

Try downloading from the archive instead:
<https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/seamonkey/releases/2.49.4/win32/en-US/SeaMonkey%20Setup%202.49.4.exe> (for the Windows US English version).

Clicking on this link brought up a blank tab screen in the browser, then the small, download screen with the buttons to "Save file" or "Cancel".

Clicking on "Save File" failed to bring up the second screen to select where to save the file, but my Internet connection screen showed activity, at upto 3,000 Kbits/sec for about a minute.

I don't believe that you have this option set:
- when saving a file: ALWAYS ask me where to save files.

Anyway .. perhaps one of your huge number of plugins/extensions is causing your problem :-)

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