Ray_Net wrote:
David E. Ross wrote on 03-09-18 04:51:
On 9/2/2018 4:14 PM, Ray_Net wrote:
David E. Ross wrote on 03-09-18 01:03:
On 9/2/2018 1:52 PM, Ray_Net wrote:
I had a problem because SM show me the old version of a page on a site.

To avoid this, I put the cache length = 0

But now, some sites are too slow.

How can I disable the cache for just one site ?

I have disabled caching entirely.  Too many Web sites are generated or
modified "on the fly", through PHP, server-side includes, or scripts.
That means many cached Web pages are not current.  With a good broadband
connection, I do not notice much delay except when I encounter a Web
server with problems.

You have disabled completely the cache by going into about:config then put:
browser.cache.disk.enable to FALSE ?
Yes, through an entry in file user.js.

Anyway, with no caching I encounter a website who is too slow now.
So It's better to not disable the cache....

What about:
"Compare the page in the cache to the page on the network" set to:
"Every time I view the page"
When an HTML file is generated or modified "on the fly", its time-stamp
is set to when that happens.  With "Compare the page in the cache to the
page on the network" set to "Every time I view the page", the time-stamp
of the file on the Web server has to be fetched for comparison with the
time-stamp on the cached file.  Thus, if a Web server is slow, the
comparison will be slow.  If the comparison fails, rendering the Web
page will be slower than if caching were disabled because you must add
the fetching of the server's time-stamp to the downloading of the HTML

At one time, security implemented in Mozilla-based browsers meant that
Web pages downloaded as HTTPS were never cached.  I do not know if this
is still true.  However, more and more Web sites now use HTTPS instead
of HTTP.  If not caching HTTPS sites is indeed still true, it further
reduces any benefits from caching beyond the reduction from "on the fly"
generation or modification of Web pages.

My broadband connection gives me more than 75 Mbps downloads.  I chose
to disable caching because fewer and fewer Web sites benefit.

OK, so the best way, for me, could be:
- cache enabled.
- cache size = 0 MB
So my offending site will not be cached - and I must accept that other sites could be more slow because of cache size = 0.

I downloaded a driver that lets me create and manage a RAM disk (R:\ in my case) I have configured the cash to that location in preferences. The cashed pages are good and fast, until the next nightly reboot. I also use this for the IE cash but I haven't figured out how to use it for Edge. I also have ccleaner configured to run at startup because it seems to find Facebook cookies that SeaMonkey can't eliminate for some reason.
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