Thanks. It looks like manually deleting everything in my profile's storage is OK after exiting SM. No different results from what I can tell so far?

On 10/19/2018 12:14 AM, Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:
There is at least one bug report about clear private data not clearing everything. I really need to look into it but...

You need to close SeaMonkey.

What I usually do:

removing storage dir
removing storage.*
removing webappsstore.*

Might not be so easy to do this in 2.57 because web extensions actually use this but for 2.49.x and 2.53 it is so far fine. Check the prefs under Advanced->Offline Apps so that not every site can put in junk there. This needs an overhaul too and doesn't cover everything now. sigh...


Ant wrote:

My C:\Users\name\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\SeaMonkey\Profiles\whatever.default\storage\ is big (423 MB) especially in its temporary location (371 MB). How do I clear them out? Clearing caches doesn't do anything to it. From what I read, it seems to be related to offsite website data, but clearing my private data for it didn't work too.

I see stuff since 12/22/2016. I know I installed SM v2.46 back in late October 2016 due to a nasty HDD's click of death crash that forced me to clean install 64-bit W7 HPE SP1 and all of my softwares like SM. :(

Is deleting it in Windows' Explorer without SM running OK/safe or is there something else I missed?

I hope to get an answer soon. :)--
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