On 11/14/18 6:49 PM, Rob Steinmetz wrote:
I have a web application for time and billing. It is a old application but works as well as we need it to.

I have recently discovered that some functions do not work in SeaMonkey 2.49.4. They do work in Thunderbird and Chrome.

The biggest on is a tab in the application that leads to a report screen. The screen contains common reports and a click on any of them works as expected.

There is a link "Click Here to View All Reports"

That link opens a blank window.

In Thunderbird and chrome I get a list of reports and a series of filters I can set.

Here is what I get when I "copy the link location"


Under Preferences-> Scripts & Plugins -> Advanced ->

I have "Enable Javascript for" "Browser" Checked
I have "Change Status Bar Text" Checked
I have "Disable or replace context menus" Checked

I tried checking al the other boxes and it had no apparent effect.

What might be going on?

How is it working in Thunderbird and what version are you using?
OS: Ubuntu Linux 18.04LTS - Gnome Desktop

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