On 11/17/2018 6:52 PM, David E. Ross wrote:
On 11/17/2018 1:44 PM, Ant wrote:
On 11/17/2018 1:09 PM, David E. Ross wrote:
On 11/17/2018 11:29 AM, Ant wrote:
Mine was about 33.2 MB! I noticed https://flickmetrix.com wasn't showing
its results because of it (corrupted?) until I (delet/remov)ed it. It
took me a while to figure out why this web site wasn't working until I
tried a private window in my existing profile and a new profile.

In my primary profile, it is 1.09 MB.  I delete webappsstore.sqlite from
all profiles each week before doing a total system backup.  If the file
does not exist, a new version will download when I next launch SeaMonkey.

Download from visited web sites? Is that why I was having issues with
FlickMetrix since it had a old version in this big file?

No.  I think webappsstore.sqlite is downloaded from a Google server
during initialization immediately after you launch SeaMonkey.

https://www.google.com/search?q=webappsstore.sqlite says DOM.
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