On 12/23/2018 06:12 AM, Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:
> In any case, I think it would be better to spend effort into migration to
 > something future oriented, even if it means to lose loved features or
> functionality, than to spend the effort in keeping something outdated alive.

Personally my heart isn't into this. Even while paving the way to 2.57 I am always going to add this and that to 2.53 because that is for me the version where everything still works.

I date back back to Netscape 4. I use SeaMonkey because it kept a *VERY* neat functional user interface {*LACKING* Firefox/Thunderbird}. I particularly want to have browser and email in the same package. I even occasionally use Composer. I don't have a current programming skill set - 8080/8085 assembler primarily ;/

Browsers seem to be heading in the maximize glitz/glitter for for the pure sake of playing with new toys. (end minor rant ;)

Thank you.

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