On 12/27/2018 12:07 PM, Ant wrote:
> On 12/26/2018 7:30 PM, David E. Ross wrote:
>> On 12/26/2018 7:03 PM, Ant wrote:
>>> Even though I don't see them in my browsing history. Do you guys see
>>> this problem too?
>> When I clear the history, I must then reload the current Web page to
>> have link colors on that page revert back to "unvisited".
> Well, this is after I restarted my SM too. :(

I just now did a test in a profile where I do not want to keep any
history anyway.  My home page in that profile is an HTML export of my
bookmarks.  I selected some links and then returned to my home page.  I
deleted my hostory and then reloaded the home page.  I did this test

First, I selected [Tools > Clear Private Data] on the menu bar.
Previously via [Edit > Preferences > Privacy & Security > Private Data]
I had previously set the checkbox for "Browsing History" under "When I
ask SeaMonkey to clear my private data, it should erase:".

Second, I used Ctrl-h (same as [Go > Hostory] on the menu bar) to open
the History window.  I selected all the entries and then used the Delete
key on my keyboard.

In both cases, reloading the page turned the previously visited links
from red (my color for visit links) to blue (my color for unvisited

How did you attempt to clear your browsing history?  Is is possible that
you want to clear your Location Bar (address bar, aka URI bar) history,
which is different from your browsing history?

David E. Ross

President Trump still insists that Mexico will eventually pay for
his border wall.  If he really believes that, why does he not pay
for it out of his personal billions of dollars and then personally
collect from Mexico?
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