On 2019-05-20, Nuno Silva wrote:

> On 2019-05-19, Tom Pamin wrote:
>> Paul in Houston, TX wrote:
>>> Tom Pamin wrote:
>>>> Tom Pamin wrote:
>>>>>>>> Tom Pamin wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Tom Pamin wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I'm not seeing the images to select for the I Am Not A Robot
>>>>>>>>>> authorizations. Just a blank square. It works fine with IE. Ideas?
>>>>>>>>> I just tried SM in Safe Mode. Still no images showing.
> [...]
>>>>> I'll try my other PC's in the next couple days. Does seem strange that
>>>>> all other images on SM display fine, except for those Captcha ones.
>>>> Only one PC out of my 5 has the robot problem. Any ideas what I can
>>>> compare to see why this one PC is different?
>>> Make sure that block images from remote sources is not checked.
>>> Reset your DNS device (router, etc) and then try.
>>> Turn off AV and fire wall and try.
>>> The list is long with lots of things to try.
>> I see block images under email, but is it under the browser prefs too?
>> So far nothing has worked.
> That's probably "Image Acceptance Policy" (preferences window, "Privacy
> & Security" -> "Images"), which can be set to block third-party/remote
> images.
> Images from specific sources could also be blocked:
> There might be a better way to do this, but check the "Page Info" for
> the problematic page (ctrl+I or context menu->"View Page Info"). The
> "Media" tab has a list of items in the page, see if the missing images
> are there and if the "block images from [hostname]..."  checkbox is
> checked.

(And the "Manage Permissions" button in "Privacy & Security" -> "Images"
offers another way of checking/managing these site-specific blocks.)

Nuno Silva
support-seamonkey mailing list

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