David H. Durgee wrote:
You did test in safe mode before posting?
I can log in, the problem is that something goes wacky thereafter.
Until yesterday there was no problem, but then instead of getting a
proper display I see what appear

It's becoming more common that sites are complaining about User Agent strings that show Firefox 52 (and not accounting for SeaMonkey). This is especially true with banks and other financial institutions. One of my own institutions is throwing alerts, although letting me ignore their pleas to upgrade to a current version of Firefox, Edge, Safari or Chrome, or even IE 11 (!).

If you spoof, showing:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:69.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/69.0

what happens?

If you're still getting funky response, it may not be browser issue, so much as something with your profile. Beyond Safe Mode, you might also want to consider:

- Flush the cache and cookies. It could be that there's something in the cache causing problem

- Consider using the Profiles Manager to create a new profile (for testing). Although Safe Mode is a way of setting a lot of prefs to default condition, it tends to be best on things relating to add-ons. However, it won't help with some of your prefs, such as cookie handling. A new profile will give you all default settings. In this context, a quick way of telling whether the problem is generically with Seamonkey 2.49.5, or something that's more specific to your profile.

In this case, I'm betting on your profile.

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