On 9/21/2019 1:19 PM, Ant wrote:
> Hello.
> I have so many bookmarks (since Netscape days (yep, I'm old!)) that I 
> have to organize them into folders. I know my bookmarks exist when I do 
> searches, but the found bookmarks doesn't tell me where they are in the 
> manager. Is there a way to know where exactly my bookmarks are in its 
> manager (e.g., which folders?)?
> Thank you for reading and hopefully answering soon. :)

This is a very old problem.  Bug #56418 was submitted about this almost
19 years ago.  See <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=56418>.

I have a workaround.

1.  I set the preference variable "browser.bookmarks.autoExportHTML" to
True.  You can do this either in about:config or put the following in
the file user.js in your profile:
        user_pref("browser.bookmarks.autoExportHTML", true);
        // automatically export bookmarks into an HTML file
(The second line is merely a comment to remind you why you did this.)

2.  In [Edit > Preferences > Browser], I selected the radio button for
"Home page" for all of "Browser Startup", "New Window", and "New Tab".
I then entered the complete path to file bookmarks.html (which is in my
profile} in the input area for "Clicking the Home button takes you to
this group of pages:".

Now, my home page for SeaMonkey is a HTML-formatted list of my
bookmarks.  I can use the SeaMonkey "Find in This Page" (Ctrl-F in
Windows) to locate any bookmark.

By the way, I set this up because I realized my most common task in
SeaMonkey involved looking at my bookmarks.

David E. Ross

Immigration authorities arrested 680 undocumented aliens in meat
processing facilities in Mississippi.  Employing someone who is not
legally in the U.S. is also illegal.  How many of the EMPLOYERS are
being criminally charged?  If none, why not?
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