On 9/21/2019 5:17 PM, David E. Ross wrote:
On 9/21/2019 1:19 PM, Ant wrote:

I have so many bookmarks (since Netscape days (yep, I'm old!)) that I
have to organize them into folders. I know my bookmarks exist when I do
searches, but the found bookmarks doesn't tell me where they are in the
manager. Is there a way to know where exactly my bookmarks are in its
manager (e.g., which folders?)?

Thank you for reading and hopefully answering soon. :)

This is a very old problem.  Bug #56418 was submitted about this almost
19 years ago.  See <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=56418>.

Wow. Almost two decades! :O I just noticed Firefox v69.0.1 has the same problem! Come on, Mozilla.

I have a workaround.

Now, my home page for SeaMonkey is a HTML-formatted list of my
bookmarks.  I can use the SeaMonkey "Find in This Page" (Ctrl-F in
Windows) to locate any bookmark.

By the way, I set this up because I realized my most common task in
SeaMonkey involved looking at my bookmarks.

Basically, export my bookmarks to bookmarks.html file and then view that in a web browser. :(

I guess there are no third party extensions to show us bookmarks' folder locations too.
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