Dirk Fieldhouse wrote:

Surely the Ubuntuzilla PPA <https://sourceforge.net/p/ubuntuzilla/wiki/Main_Page/#installation> would be the easiest way for Jordi to install SeaMonkey? It's not mentioned in the linked page (nor the older one) but a big G site search suggests it's not mentioned anywhere on www.seamonkey-project.org (although I was pretty sure I did see one).

I agree that this is the easiest way of getting Seamonkey installed on an Ubuntu installation.

I'm enthusiastic about doing installations via APT (over the typical Windows methodology of manual download and running the installer, or building from source code), because it's a quick thing to get updates quickly after they're released. With Seamonkey and Ubuntuzilla, I found that I had the 2.49.5 release installed on an Ubuntu 16.04 machine before I got around to applying on either Windows or Mac. Because Ubuntuzilla is listed in my APT configs, the update was processed as a part of daily checks for new software.

The one small complication to doing PPAs is in getting a repository added to your configs. It's easy enough to add an additional line for Ubuntuzilla (and it's often faster to do from command line than GUI), although I sometimes trip up in getting the signing keys done correctly. In any case, the instructions shown at the link above are more than sufficient.

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