On 11/11/2019 9:09 AM, David H. Durgee wrote:
Lemuel Johnson wrote:
On 9/26/2019 12:00 PM, David H. Durgee wrote:

What specifically works for you on the Chase.com website?  I can logon
to their website with UA of Firefox 52, which is what 2.49.5 derives
from, but using the default UA loops.  I can logon with later Firefox UA
settings up to and including the current 69 release, but NONE of these
have a WORKING download transactions button in my credit card accounts.
The print button next to the download button DOES WORK, it is only the
download button that will not work.

Do you have any credit cards with them?  If so, can you confirm for me
that your download button works?  If you only have deposit accounts, do
they have a download button you can try?


Hmm.  Never tried that before, let's see.
For the credit card account, clicking on any of the four icons results
in the same warning in the Error Console:

Timestamp: 9/26/2019 2:25:18 PM
Warning: TypeError: setting a property that has only a getter
Source File:

Line: 1

but the first three all work, download does not.

And... for the deposit account the results are the same, including the
Javascript warning.

Lem Johnson

You might want to try this again now.  For some reason I did this
morning and find that the download icon now works for me here.  It would
seem that Chase finally noticed the problem and corrected it.


Yep.  Someone must have kicked the anthill...

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