JAS wrote:
David E. Ross wrote:
On 12/19/2019 9:57 AM, Ray Davison wrote:
Is there a cookbook for how to get SM to pretend it is FF.  B of A
complains and Chase blocks SM.


Have you enabled "Advertise Firefox compatibility"?

1.  On the menu bar, select [Edit > Preferences].

2.  On the left side of the Preferences window, select [Advanced > HTTP

3.  On the HTTP Networking pane, the checkbox for "Advertise Firefox
compatibility" should have a checkmark.  If it does not, select the
checkbox, which will create a checkmark.

Is there a current site that has a list of the most current UA strings? I used to use http://www.useragentstring.com/pages/useragentstring.php but the site is either down or not current.


The link in your message works, but the user-agents there are not current. There is another site with more recent user-agents, though it lists only the most commonly seen ones. I had to use a user-agent override in about:config to get that site to work with SeaMonkey. The site:

The override setting name:
The value for it:
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.87 Safari/537.36

It works better if it perceives that you have a chromium browser.
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