On 1/9/20 6:53 PM, Daniel wrote:
Hartmut Figge wrote on 09/01/20 21:03:
Ray Davison wrote on 09/01/20 16:47:

Edit > Mail & News > Account > Copies & Folders > When sending messages
  > Sent folder on

Thanks, Ray, that's what I do at the moment, but what I want to do it
have the messages sent to some groups on my UseNet account go into one
folder/sub-folder and messages sent to other groups *on the same server*
going into different folders/sub-folders!!

Looking for a pref I created a sub folder abrakadabra in my mail
account, set Copies for news.mozilla.org to this abrakadabra and looked
in about:config for that name.

Here is the result:

Preference Name

So there exists indeed a pref. id3 obviously belongs to news.mozilla.org
on my machine. What you need is a standard value for the server and
different values for some newsgroups.

I'm guessing your mail account would be id1, your local folders would be id2 and your mozilla account is id3.

Sounds like a MailNewsEnhancement. That one could be spelled as mnenh.
Append an y and you have mnenhy. *g*

Yeap, I recall Mnenhy being mentioned here-abouts a long time ago.

Mnenhy can indeed set prefs for individual folders. Here is an example
from the profile of my last working SM-Trunk:


There are caveats. Mnenhy is not maintained for a long time so I had to
modify it. If you are interested I can give you the URL. But it is a
private modification which works for me and some others.

It may be that you have questions. If so, ask.

(As a side note: here I am replying to Ray's response to my post when I
cannot even 'see' my OP!!)

Huh? Why can't you see your OP?

I haven't a clue!! I don't think I've killfiled myself! ;-) Well, no, of course not, 'cause I can see my response to Ray!!

Maybe one of the SM devs could suggest something?? ;-P

Repair the folder?

OS: Ubuntu Linux 18.04LTS - Gnome Desktop

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