
>No, Hartmut, that's the problem! I know I made the OP, because Ray 
>quoted it in his reply .... but Ray's reply is the first thing I see in 
>this thread!

Then you have a different problem than the one I described. In that case
the tread pane would be OK. You could see the OP in the thread pane but
could not see the body.

>Hmm! Does it mean anything that, in my reply to Ray, there is a line ...
>and in your reply to my reply to Ray there is a similar line ....
>In-Reply-To: <reudnwkdtp-1eovdnz2dnuu7-cpnn...@mozilla.org>
>But in Ray's reply to my (imaginary) OP there is no similar line??

You posted with
Message-ID: <bjqdneclapjxayvdnz2dnuu7-tvnn...@mozilla.org>

Ray answered with
References: <bjqdneclapjxayvdnz2dnuu7-tvnn...@mozilla.org>

So there is an oddity. One of the references is your MID. The second
one? I suspect this comes from the mailing list which is connected with
this news group.

Nevertheless, that would not explain the problem. The way Walt suggested
can sometimes solve similar problems. Sometimes, perhaps most, but not
always. Unsubscribing and resubscribing the NG may also be enough. But
that too may not suffice.

Well, there was a time when 'Repair Folder' didn't exist and you had to
use a Holzhammer to be sure. Sorry for the word, probably there exists
an English equivalent. *g* It means: use force.

Close SM. Go to your profile, then in the folder News. There you will
find the file newsrc-news.mozilla.org. In this file there is a line
regarding this NG. In my case it is

mozilla.support.seamonkey: 1-113754

Edit this line. Delete all from (inclusive) the first number until the
end of the line. That would leave you with mozilla.support.seamonkey: .

Then go to the sub-folder news.mozilla.org and delete the file

I haven't used this approach for a very long time. Should still work.

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