Frog wrote:
WaltS48 wrote:
On 4/8/20 12:08 AM, Frog wrote:
WaltS48 wrote:

Wow! SeaMonkey 2.531. I missed a few versions. ;)

Go to your Verizon accounts SMTP settings in Outgoing Server(SMTP) Settings.
Click Edit.
Add the complete email address in the User Name: field.

Seems to be a problem since yesterday.

Thanks Walts48 for your response.

I did as you suggested with the same old test message didn't leave my computer.  Here is the window that I edited:

SMPT Server

Description:  My complete Verizon Email Address was already in this box.

Aerver Name:

Port:   465     Default:    465

Security and Authentication

Connection security:  SSL/TLS

Authentication method: Normal password

User Name: Was the first part of my email address up to the @ was changed to my complete email address.

OK        Cancel        Help

I hope that I made the change as you suggested.


Looks good to me. It is what works in my Thunderbird's.

Did you get a password prompt, entered the password and still can't send an email?

Yes, I did get the password prompt request and I did enter my password---same results.

Try port 587 which is STARTTLS, I saw that in a site telling people how to use Thunderbird with AOL. If that does not work then you fall back to 465 = SSL/TLS, which is what the other similar sites were suggesting. I have several accounts and the split is 50% : 50% between the two variations.

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