
Gerry Hickman a tapoté le 08/05/2020 23:35:
> Yamo' wrote:
>> I cannot use the latest version there must be something that happen
>> during the upgrade...
> You need to clarify what you mean by "upgrade"?

When first run, Seamonkey often do checks and sometimes cleaning of the
It is that gone wrong : before running 2.53.2, I saw a window that warn
me that this check is done (I don't know why).

> I thought the install process on Linux was just to extract the x64 
> binaries, so the upgrade process would be:
> 1. Write down the profile location
> 2. Back up the profile
> 3. Back up the old SeaMonkey binaries
> 4. Extract the new SeaMonkey binaries

My profile is too big to quickly backup it (a lots of mails that I want
to keep) : I use the same profile since I could backup my computer in 2001.

Thanks for your reply,

Sorry for possible mistakes in English!
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