Ant wrote:

Mine went over 3 GB of RAM for its working set, 4.5 GB for its peak working set, and almost 30K of page faults. It was mostly caused by many tabs of in my decade old, updated 64-bit W7 HPE SP1 PC (6 GB of RAM). :(

Well, youtube is supposed to be for watching videos, so I can't imagine why you'd need more than one tab open, but yes, everyone knows that if you visit huge data sucking sites that run thousands of "affiliate" scripts, then bad things will happen.

Memory use can be a bit misleading anyway, because modern applications will sometimes keep huge chunks of memory in the background "in case they're suddenly needed", trying to trick the user into thinking they're getting better performance. However, a well written app should free the memory when it closes.

I don't know how you measured it, but there's a really good extension in Seamonkey called "SeaMonkey Debug and QA UI", that shows you what's going on inside the browser, including memory, and there's even a menu item where you can "Flush Memory".

Gerry Hickman (London UK)
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