On 6/11/2020 6:14 AM, Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:

Ant wrote:
On 6/10/2020 4:07 PM, Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:
Ant wrote:
On 6/10/2020 1:17 AM, Don Spam's Reckless Son wrote:
Ever tried about:memory ?  I then clicked "Measure" under "Show memory reports".  My Seamonkey version - on this machine - is a bit older than yours but that should not make any difference.

Wow, I saw a lot of ghost windows with previous visits from a few hours ago. I tried its "Minimize memory usage" button and it went from 1 GB to 644.26 MB. All ghost windows were removed. Good.

I now and then check for them but ghosts became quite rare here in recent SeaMonkey builds. Are you still using Adblock Plus by chance? Had nothing but trouble with slowdowns and memory bloat with the latest compatible 2.91 versions.

Nope. uBlock Origin. I need an ad blocker. :P

Yes. Also use it and NoScript.

Interesting. My 64-bit W7 says about 1.3 GB of RAM is in used (peaked at almost 3 GB) after minimizing memory use. Memory reports show measurements with stuck ghosts like:

"Main Process
Explicit Allocations

820.52 MB (100.0%) -- explicit
├──275.26 MB (33.55%) -- window-objects
│  ├──203.34 MB (24.78%) -- top(none)
│  │  ├──132.55 MB (16.15%) -- ghost
│ │ │ ├───63.07 MB (07.69%) -- window(https://www.wunderground.com/weather/...) │ │ │ │ ├──56.52 MB (06.89%) -- js-compartment(https://www.wunderground.com/weather/...)
│  │  │  │   │  ├──54.79 MB (06.68%) -- classes
│  │  │  │   │  │  ├──36.26 MB (04.42%) -- class(Object)/objects
│  │  │  │   │  │  │  ├──28.93 MB (03.53%) ── gc-heap
│  │  │  │   │  │  │  └───7.33 MB (00.89%) ++ malloc-heap
│  │  │  │   │  │  ├──10.15 MB (01.24%) ++ (12 tiny)
│  │  │  │   │  │  └───8.38 MB (01.02%) ++ class(Array)/objects
│  │  │  │   │  └───1.73 MB (00.21%) ++ (5 tiny)
│  │  │  │   └───6.55 MB (00.80%) ++ (3 tiny)
│ │ │ ├───49.29 MB (06.01%) -- window(https://www.wunderground.com/weather/...) │ │ │ │ ├──37.37 MB (04.55%) -- js-compartment(https://www.wunderground.com/weather/...)
│  │  │  │   │  ├──33.90 MB (04.13%) -- classes
│  │  │  │   │  │  ├──15.81 MB (01.93%) ++ (13 tiny)
│  │  │  │   │  │  ├───9.41 MB (01.15%) ++ class(Object)/objects
│  │  │  │   │  │  └───8.68 MB (01.06%) -- class(ArrayBuffer)/objects
│ │ │ │ │ │ ├──8.63 MB (01.05%) ── malloc-heap/elements/normal [2]
│  │  │  │   │  │      └──0.05 MB (00.01%) ── gc-heap [2]
│  │  │  │   │  └───3.46 MB (00.42%) ++ (6 tiny)
│  │  │  │   └──11.92 MB (01.45%) ++ (3 tiny)
│ │ │ └───20.19 MB (02.46%) -- window(https://www.wunderground.com/weather/...) │ │ │ ├──14.24 MB (01.74%) -- js-compartment(https://www.wunderground.com/weather/...)
│  │  │      │  ├──12.54 MB (01.53%) ++ classes
│  │  │      │  └───1.70 MB (00.21%) ++ (5 tiny)
│  │  │      └───5.96 MB (00.73%) ++ (3 tiny)
│  │  └───70.79 MB (08.63%) -- detached
│ │ ├──29.25 MB (03.57%) -- window(chrome://messenger/content/messengercompose/messengercompose.xul) │ │ │ ├──17.56 MB (02.14%) -- js-compartment([System Principal], about:blank)
│  │      │  │  ├───9.93 MB (01.21%) ++ classes
│  │      │  │  └───7.63 MB (00.93%) ++ (6 tiny)
│  │      │  ├──10.41 MB (01.27%) ++ dom
│  │      │  └───1.28 MB (00.16%) ++ (2 tiny)
│ │ ├──27.43 MB (03.34%) -- window(chrome://navigator/content/navigator.xul) │ │ │ ├──16.08 MB (01.96%) -- js-compartment([System Principal], about:blank)
│  │      │  │  ├───9.04 MB (01.10%) ++ classes
│  │      │  │  └───7.03 MB (00.86%) ++ (6 tiny)
│  │      │  ├───9.97 MB (01.21%) ++ dom
│  │      │  └───1.38 MB (00.17%) ++ (2 tiny)
│ │ ├───8.87 MB (01.08%) ++ window(chrome://messenger/content/messenger.xul)
│  │      └───5.24 MB (00.64%) ++ (20 tiny)
│  ├───31.65 MB (03.86%) -- top(about:memory, id=2042)
│  │   ├──30.53 MB (03.72%) -- active/window(about:memory)
│  │   │  ├──29.14 MB (03.55%) -- dom
│  │   │  │  ├──29.11 MB (03.55%) ── orphan-nodes
│  │   │  │  └───0.03 MB (00.00%) ++ (5 tiny)
│  │   │  └───1.39 MB (00.17%) ++ (4 tiny)
│  │   └───1.12 MB (00.14%) ++ js-zone(0x24cd1000)
│ ├───21.61 MB (02.63%) -- top(data:application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml;charset=utf-8,<window%20id='ublock0-win'/>, id=6)
│  │   ├──11.53 MB (01.41%) -- js-zone(0x14cb1000)
│  │   │  ├──10.51 MB (01.28%) -- strings
│  │   │  │  ├───8.56 MB (01.04%) ++ string(<non-notable strings>)
│  │   │  │  └───1.95 MB (00.24%) ++ (45 tiny)
│  │   │  └───1.02 MB (00.12%) ++ (12 tiny)
│  │   └──10.08 MB (01.23%) -- active
│ │ ├───9.92 MB (01.21%) -- window(chrome://ublock0/content/background.html# │ │ │ ├──9.82 MB (01.20%) -- js-compartment([System Principal], about:blank)
│  │      │   │  ├──9.71 MB (01.18%) ++ classes
│  │      │   │  └──0.11 MB (00.01%) ++ (5 tiny)
│  │      │   └──0.09 MB (00.01%) ++ (4 tiny)
│ │ └───0.17 MB (00.02%) ++ window(data:application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml;charset=utf-8,<window%20id='ublock0-win'/>)
│  └───18.66 MB (02.27%) ++ (13 tiny)
├──198.87 MB (24.24%) -- js-non-window
│  ├──154.47 MB (18.83%) -- zones
│  │  ├───51.23 MB (06.24%) -- zone(0x32b50000)
│  │  │   ├──35.32 MB (04.30%) ++ (19 tiny)
│  │  │   └──15.92 MB (01.94%) -- strings
│  │  │      ├──12.06 MB (01.47%) -- string(<non-notable strings>)
│  │  │      │  ├───8.76 MB (01.07%) -- gc-heap
│  │  │      │  │   ├──8.74 MB (01.06%) ── latin1
│  │  │      │  │   └──0.02 MB (00.00%) ── two-byte
│  │  │      │  └───3.30 MB (00.40%) ++ malloc-heap
│  │  │      └───3.85 MB (00.47%) ++ (107 tiny)
│  │  ├───44.88 MB (05.47%) ++ zone(0xe181000)
│  │  ├───44.23 MB (05.39%) ++ (55 tiny)
│  │  └───14.12 MB (01.72%) -- zone(0xb62c000)
│  │      ├──10.59 MB (01.29%) -- strings
│  │      │  ├──10.34 MB (01.26%) ++ string(<non-notable strings>)
│  │      │  └───0.25 MB (00.03%) ++ (11 tiny)
│  │      └───3.54 MB (00.43%) ++ (5 tiny)
│  ├───35.83 MB (04.37%) -- runtime
│  │   ├──24.00 MB (02.93%) ++ (13 tiny)
│  │   └──11.83 MB (01.44%) ── script-data
│  └────8.58 MB (01.05%) ++ gc-heap
├──170.11 MB (20.73%) -- heap-overhead
│  ├──151.77 MB (18.50%) ── bin-unused
│  ├───17.44 MB (02.13%) ── bookkeeping
│  └────0.90 MB (00.11%) ── page-cache
├───95.21 MB (11.60%) ── heap-unclassified
├───34.55 MB (04.21%) ++ (23 tiny)
├───22.55 MB (02.75%) -- workers
│   ├──20.32 MB (02.48%) -- workers(wunderground.com)
│ │ ├──10.25 MB (01.25%) ++ worker(blob:https://www.wunderground.com/1b870fa5..., 0xa9fb2000) │ │ └──10.07 MB (01.23%) ++ worker(blob:https://www.wunderground.com/1b870fa5..., 0xa9c4a800) │ └───2.23 MB (00.27%) ++ workers(chrome)/worker(resource://gre/modules/osfile/osfile_async_worker.js, 0x11d88000)
├───13.69 MB (01.67%) -- storage
│   ├──10.36 MB (01.26%) ++ prefix-set
│   └───3.34 MB (00.41%) ++ sqlite
└───10.28 MB (01.25%) ++ images

Other Measurements

8,388,607.94 MB (100.0%) -- address-space
├──8,384,461.36 MB (99.95%) ── free(segments=798)
└──────4,146.58 MB (00.05%) ++ (2 tiny)

255.61 MB (100.0%) -- decommitted
├──245.66 MB (96.11%) ── js-non-window/gc-heap/decommitted-arenas
└────9.95 MB (03.89%) -- workers
     ├──9.47 MB (03.71%) -- workers(wunderground.com)
│ ├──5.48 MB (02.15%) ── worker(blob:https://www.wunderground.com/1b870fa5..., 0xa9fb2000)/gc-heap/decommitted-arenas │ └──3.99 MB (01.56%) ── worker(blob:https://www.wunderground.com/1b870fa5..., 0xa9c4a800)/gc-heap/decommitted-arenas └──0.47 MB (00.18%) ── workers(chrome)/worker(resource://gre/modules/osfile/osfile_async_worker.js, 0x11d88000)/gc-heap/decommitted-arenas

30,040 (100.0%) -- event-counts
└──30,040 (100.0%) -- window-objects
   ├──26,043 (86.69%) -- top(none)
   │  ├──24,171 (80.46%) -- detached
│ │ ├──10,680 (35.55%) ── window(chrome://navigator/content/navigator.xul)/dom/event-listeners [11] │ │ ├──10,321 (34.36%) ── window(chrome://messenger/content/messengercompose/messengercompose.xul)/dom/event-listeners [15] │ │ ├───3,065 (10.20%) ── window(chrome://messenger/content/messenger.xul)/dom/event-listeners [4]
   │  │  └─────105 (00.35%) ++ (3 tiny)
   │  └───1,872 (06.23%) -- ghost
│ ├────933 (03.11%) -- window(https://www.wunderground.com/weather/...)/dom
   │      │    ├──849 (02.83%) ── event-listeners [2]
   │      │    └───84 (00.28%) ── event-targets [2]
│ ├────480 (01.60%) -- window(https://www.wunderground.com/weather/...)/dom
   │      │    ├──458 (01.52%) ── event-listeners
   │      │    └───22 (00.07%) ── event-targets
│ └────459 (01.53%) -- window(https://www.wunderground.com/weather/...)/dom
   │           ├──422 (01.40%) ── event-listeners
   │           └───37 (00.12%) ── event-targets
├───1,761 (05.86%) -- top(chrome://navigator/content/navigator.xul, id=2020)/active │ ├──1,759 (05.86%) -- window(chrome://navigator/content/navigator.xul)/dom
   │   │  ├──1,754 (05.84%) ── event-listeners
   │   │  └──────5 (00.02%) ── event-targets
   │   └──────2 (00.01%) ── window(about:blank)/dom/event-targets [2]
├───1,255 (04.18%) -- top(chrome://messenger/content/messenger.xul, id=2481)/active │ ├──1,202 (04.00%) -- window(chrome://messenger/content/messenger.xul)/dom
   │   │  ├──1,199 (03.99%) ── event-listeners
   │   │  └──────3 (00.01%) ── event-targets
   │   └─────53 (00.18%) ++ (2 tiny)
├─────917 (03.05%) -- top(chrome://messenger/content/messengercompose/messengercompose.xul, id=2521)/active │ ├──915 (03.05%) -- window(chrome://messenger/content/messengercompose/messengercompose.xul)/dom
   │     │  ├──912 (03.04%) ── event-listeners
   │     │  └────3 (00.01%) ── event-targets
   │     └────2 (00.01%) ── window(about:blank)/dom/event-targets [2]
   └──────64 (00.21%) ++ (12 tiny)

4 (100.0%) -- ghost-windows
├──2 (50.00%) ── https://www.wunderground.com/weather/... [2]
├──1 (25.00%) ── https://www.wunderground.com/weather/...
└──1 (25.00%) ── https://www.wunderground.com/weather/...

558.07 MB (100.0%) -- heap-committed
├──387.95 MB (69.52%) ── allocated
└──170.11 MB (30.48%) ── overhead

10.28 MB (100.0%) -- images
├───6.43 MB (62.52%) -- uncached
│   ├──6.25 MB (60.76%) -- raster/used
│   │  ├──4.49 MB (43.68%) ── decoded-heap
│   │  └──1.76 MB (17.08%) ── source
│   └──0.18 MB (01.76%) ── vector/used/source
├───2.14 MB (20.84%) -- content
│   ├──1.38 MB (13.44%) ── vector/used/source
│   └──0.76 MB (07.40%) -- raster/used
│      ├──0.75 MB (07.31%) ── source
│      └──0.01 MB (00.08%) ── decoded-heap
└───1.71 MB (16.65%) -- chrome
    ├──1.30 MB (12.64%) -- raster/used
    │  ├──0.84 MB (08.17%) ── decoded-heap
    │  └──0.46 MB (04.48%) ── source
    └──0.41 MB (04.01%) -- vector/used
       ├──0.41 MB (04.00%) ── source
       └──0.00 MB (00.01%) ── decoded-heap

383.77 MB (100.0%) -- js-main-runtime
├──202.78 MB (52.84%) -- compartments
│  ├──159.93 MB (41.67%) -- classes/objects
│  │  ├──123.35 MB (32.14%) ── gc-heap
│  │  └───36.58 MB (09.53%) -- malloc-heap
│  │      ├──20.36 MB (05.31%) ── elements/normal
│  │      ├──16.18 MB (04.22%) ── slots
│  │      └───0.03 MB (00.01%) ── misc
│  ├───27.57 MB (07.18%) -- scripts
│  │   ├──18.32 MB (04.77%) ── gc-heap
│  │   └───9.25 MB (02.41%) ── malloc-heap/data
│  ├────5.69 MB (01.48%) ++ (10 tiny)
│  ├────5.12 MB (01.33%) ── cross-compartment-wrapper-table
│  └────4.47 MB (01.17%) ++ type-inference
├──136.59 MB (35.59%) -- zones
│  ├───38.87 MB (10.13%) -- strings
│  │   ├──25.58 MB (06.67%) -- gc-heap
│  │   │  ├──25.46 MB (06.64%) ── latin1
│  │   │  └───0.12 MB (00.03%) ── two-byte
│  │   └──13.29 MB (03.46%) -- malloc-heap
│  │      ├──12.71 MB (03.31%) ── latin1
│  │      └───0.58 MB (00.15%) ── two-byte
│  ├───29.55 MB (07.70%) -- shapes
│  │   ├──27.63 MB (07.20%) -- gc-heap
│  │   │  ├──17.34 MB (04.52%) ── tree
│  │   │  ├───9.45 MB (02.46%) ── dict
│  │   │  └───0.83 MB (00.22%) ── base
│  │   └───1.92 MB (00.50%) ++ malloc-heap
│  ├───15.47 MB (04.03%) ── type-pool
│  ├───14.77 MB (03.85%) -- scopes
│  │   ├───8.82 MB (02.30%) ── malloc-heap
│  │   └───5.95 MB (01.55%) ── gc-heap
│  ├───11.71 MB (03.05%) -- object-groups
│  │   ├──11.20 MB (02.92%) ── gc-heap
│  │   └───0.51 MB (00.13%) ── malloc-heap
│  ├────9.89 MB (02.58%) ── unused-gc-things
│  ├────8.80 MB (02.29%) ++ (10 tiny)
│  └────7.54 MB (01.96%) -- lazy-scripts
│       ├──5.94 MB (01.55%) ── gc-heap
│       └──1.59 MB (00.42%) ── malloc-heap
├───35.83 MB (09.34%) ── runtime
└────8.58 MB (02.24%) -- gc-heap
     ├──7.58 MB (01.97%) ── chunk-admin
     └──1.00 MB (00.26%) ++ (2 tiny)

449 (100.0%) -- js-main-runtime-compartments
├──387 (86.19%) -- system
│  ├──245 (54.57%) ++ (241 tiny)
│  ├───75 (16.70%) ── [System Principal] [75]
│  ├───42 (09.35%) ── [System Principal], about:blank [42]
│ ├───12 (02.67%) ── [System Principal], [anonymous sandbox] (from: chrome://prefbar/content/prefbarOverlay.js:746) [12] │ ├────7 (01.56%) ── [System Principal], inProcessTabChildGlobal?ownedBy=chrome://navigator/content/navigator.xul [7] │ └────6 (01.34%) ── [System Principal], resource://gre/modules/addons/SpellCheckDictionaryBootstrap.js (from: resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm:4211) [6]
└───62 (13.81%) ++ user

240.34 MB (100.0%) -- js-main-runtime-gc-heap-committed
├──229.45 MB (95.47%) -- used
│  ├──218.20 MB (90.79%) -- gc-things
│  │  ├──123.35 MB (51.32%) ── objects
│  │  ├───26.80 MB (11.15%) ── shapes
│  │  ├───25.58 MB (10.64%) ── strings
│  │  ├───18.32 MB (07.62%) ── scripts
│  │  ├───11.20 MB (04.66%) ── object-groups
│  │  ├────5.95 MB (02.47%) ── scopes
│  │  ├────5.94 MB (02.47%) ── lazy-scripts
│  │  └────1.06 MB (00.44%) ++ (4 tiny)
│  ├────7.58 MB (03.15%) ── chunk-admin
│  └────3.67 MB (01.53%) ── arena-admin
└───10.89 MB (04.53%) -- unused
    ├───9.89 MB (04.12%) -- gc-things
    │   ├──3.94 MB (01.64%) ── object-groups
    │   ├──3.63 MB (01.51%) ── strings
    │   └──2.32 MB (00.97%) ++ (9 tiny)
    └───1.00 MB (00.42%) ++ (2 tiny)

127 (100.0%) -- message-manager
└──127 (100.0%) -- referent
   ├───99 (77.95%) -- global-manager
   │   ├──99 (77.95%) ── strong
   │   └───0 (00.00%) ++ weak
   ├───21 (16.54%) -- parent-process-manager
   │   ├──21 (16.54%) ── strong
   │   └───0 (00.00%) ++ weak
   └────7 (05.51%) -- child-process-manager
        ├──7 (05.51%) ── strong
        └──0 (00.00%) ++ weak

1,217 (100.0%) -- observer-service
└──1,217 (100.0%) -- referent
   ├────827 (67.95%) ── strong
   └────390 (32.05%) -- weak
        ├──376 (30.90%) ── alive
        └───14 (01.15%) ── dead

543 (100.0%) -- observer-service-suspect
├──356 (65.56%) ── referent(topic=xpcom-shutdown)
└──187 (34.44%) ── referent(topic=memory-pressure)

754 (100.0%) -- preference-service
└──754 (100.0%) -- referent
   ├──643 (85.28%) ── strong
   └──111 (14.72%) -- weak
      ├──111 (14.72%) ── alive
      └────0 (00.00%) ── dead

90.98 MB (100.0%) -- window-objects
├──66.16 MB (72.71%) -- dom
│  ├──30.58 MB (33.61%) ── orphan-nodes
│  ├──22.17 MB (24.36%) ── element-nodes
│  ├───6.44 MB (07.08%) ── text-nodes
│  ├───6.23 MB (06.85%) ── other
│  └───0.74 MB (00.82%) ++ (3 tiny)
├──19.98 MB (21.96%) ── style-sheets
├───4.76 MB (05.23%) -- layout
│   ├──1.48 MB (01.63%) ++ (7 tiny)
│   ├──1.19 MB (01.31%) ── frames
│   ├──1.05 MB (01.15%) ── pres-shell
│   └──1.03 MB (01.13%) ── style-structs
└───0.10 MB (00.11%) ── property-tables

       32.26 MB ── d3d11-shared-textures
        0.00 MB ── gfx-d2d-vram-draw-target
        0.00 MB ── gfx-d2d-vram-source-surface
        0.00 MB ── gfx-surface-win32
        0.00 MB ── gfx-textures
        0.00 MB ── gfx-textures-peak
        0.00 MB ── gfx-tiles-waste
              4 ── ghost-windows
      108.37 MB ── gpu-committed
      149.19 MB ── gpu-dedicated
       33.37 MB ── gpu-shared
      387.95 MB ── heap-allocated
        1.00 MB ── heap-chunksize
    1,517.00 MB ── heap-mapped
              0 ── host-object-urls
       15.27 MB ── imagelib-surface-cache-estimated-locked
       15.27 MB ── imagelib-surface-cache-estimated-total
              0 ── imagelib-surface-cache-overflow-count
       33.18 MB ── js-main-runtime-temporary-peak
        0.00 MB ── mlgpu-constant-buffers
        9.43 MB ── mlgpu-render-targets
        0.00 MB ── mlgpu-vertex-buffers
    1,196.32 MB ── private
    1,292.79 MB ── resident
    1,266.04 MB ── resident-unique
       16.85 MB ── system-heap-allocated
        0.00 MB ── tracelogger
              0 ── unresolved-ipc-promises
    4,129.83 MB ── vsize
5,430,888.75 MB ── vsize-max-contiguous
              0 ── webgl-buffer-count
        0.00 MB ── webgl-buffer-memory
              5 ── webgl-context-count
              0 ── webgl-renderbuffer-count
        0.00 MB ── webgl-renderbuffer-memory
              0 ── webgl-shader-count
              0 ── webgl-texture-count
        0.00 MB ── webgl-texture-memory

End of Main Process"

I had to exit and kill stick huge seamonkey.exe process (SeaMonkey asked me to close it first during its manual launch). :(
Life is so crazy! ..!.. *isms, sins, devil, illness (e.g., COVID-19/2019-nCoV/SARS-CoV-2), deaths, heat waves, arsonists, out(r)ages, unlucky #4, 2020, etc. :( Note: A fixed width font (Courier, Monospace, etc.) is required to see this signature correctly.
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