Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:
> Don Spam's Reckless Son wrote:
>> David H. Durgee wrote:
>>> Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:
>>>> David H. Durgee wrote:
>>>>> Don Spam's Reckless Son wrote:
>>>>> At least one developer, Frank-Rainer Grahl, monitors this newsgroup.
>>>>> Perhaps he can look at this post and let me know if it merits a bug
>>>>> report.  It might be a known problem or one impossible to fix for some
>>>>> reason.  As it is infrequent I can live with it if necessary.
>>>>> Dave
>>>> If it is not easily reproducable a fix in the near future is unlikely.
>>>> Filing a bug in this case would only be good so that others who have
>>>> the
>>>> same problem can find it and so can help track it down. With the
>>>> current
>>>> state of affairs I just wouldn't just hold my breath for this to
>>>> happen.
>>>> Bugs are cheap so your decision. Just don't be discouraged when nothing
>>>> happens with it.
>>>> FRG
>>> I just had this bite me again today.  Annoying.
>>> Is there a way to get pop-up notification when the POP mail request
>>> fails in this manner?  Perhaps some config setting or a setting
>>> somewhere in mail configuration I have missed?
>>> Right now the only way I find out is if I right-click on the mail
>>> account and select "get messages for account", as that WILL result in a
>>> pop-up when there is an error.  If I am otherwise occupied I may not
>>> notice for hours that I have a problem, which happened to me today.
>>> Dave
>> If this is happening in Thunderbird as well - and WaltS48 seems to
>> think it is - then a bug report against Thunderbird would be the best
>> chance for a long term solution.
>> Maybe there is such a bug-report already, then it would need votes?
> These bugs are the hardest to track down. We are always trying to get
> general fixes in so that we have a chance to do a catch up later but I
> didn't notice a fix or bug for this yet. If it exists then yes is
> probably in the shared mailnews component.

As I noted in my post restating the problem, I believe it would be
helpful if this error resulted in a pop-up when encountered by a
periodic POP3 check for new mail as opposed to silently failing.  It
would be even more helpful if there were a way to provide you with
diagnostic logs when this failure happens.  This need not be default
behavior, I would be happy to set some configuration flags that either
exist already or might be added in a later build to accomplish this.

I don't know why, but this occurring more frequently now than in the
past.  I am sometimes having to restart SeaMonkey more than once per day
to address this problem.  I also find it interesting that it appears the
behavior is a bit different with Thunderbird, as in the restated thread
someone noted that the problem would clear itself the next time around
where that does not appear to be the case with SeaMonkey.

Thank you again for your work in support of SeaMonkey.  I am happy to do
whatever I can to assist you in resolving issues with the package.  May
you find the time and perhaps additional helpers to assist with support
of SeaMonkey.

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