On 8/26/2020 11:58 AM, Lee wrote:
On 8/26/20, AK <scientist77...@gmail.com> wrote:
I am finding more and more sites not accepting Seamonkey.

Have you tried
   Edit / Preferences
   Advanced / HTTP Networking
   under "User Agent String" selecting
     Identify as SeaMonkey and advertise Firefox compatibility

The latest is Rotten Tomatoes.

I do not understand as Seamonkey is almost identical to Firefox?

I suspect not almost identical any more :(

Firefox extended support release (ESR) is up to version 68.  I've lost
track, but I think SeaMonkey 2.53 is based on Firefox ESR version 56,
so it's not all that identical any more

I thought it was v57. I know UA shows v60 which is inaccurate (don't know why they use that number).
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