AK wrote:
I am finding more and more sites not accepting Seamonkey.

The latest is Rotten Tomatoes.

I do not understand as Seamonkey is almost identical to Firefox?


The differences are less than they want you to believe.

I run NoScript, and with the RottenTomatoes scripting host blocked, I have no problems with getting to their content, at least stuff that isn't delivered by script. However, if I unblock that one, I'm not finding any spoofing options, even the most current version of Google Chrome that this site will accept.

It seems that their browser sniffing script is exceptionally aggressive.

Most of the time, sites that complain about Seamonkey may say that the issue is compatibility, but I have yet to see a site that relies on something that is more current than I have in Seamonkey. There's a variety of reasons that sites may not want Seamonkey, but frequently it comes down to them wanting to simplify, and by rejecting old or odd (to them) browsers, they change things from being Their Problem to being Your Problem.

On the other hand, one of the Seamonkey devs has noted that there are things that Google is doing with YouTube that may make things difficult for any browser that's not Chromium-derived. I haven't seen that myself, although at Google's main search page, there's a display quirk that goes away if I show a stock Firefox User Agent string. Thus, for google.com, I have an about:config entry that shows Google that I'm a Firefox user.

My own use of NoScript gets me around a lot of script-based browser sniffing issues, although there are trade-offs, and that might not work for you. And I also use PrefBar, which allows me to do quick on-the-fly spoofing, when I need to.

But it is happening that there's at least a few sites out there that may start having problems with Seamonkey. For that, you don't have to abandon Seamonkey, but it may be useful to have an alternate browser for getting to sites that may have issues (whether real, or just annoying sites that don't want to deal with it) with Seamonkey.

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