Doug Hughes wrote:
Good Morning

I have and use Sea Monkey on two PC's
On this particular PC,2.53.1 Seamonkey says it is up to date and there are no available updates. On my other PC, 2.53.3  Seamonkey and says an update to 2.53.4 is available, yet windows wont let me install because publisher is unknown. One or the other PC I suspect is infected with a clone or is there some way
to clarify whats going on here?
any help would be appreciated.


The "publisher is unknown" means what it says, Microsoft doesn't know who produced it. You do and - assuming you got it from the correct place - it is safe to install. I read something a couple of years back about a version of Windows 10 which was "locked in" to the Microsoft Store (or whatever it is called) and you would only be able to install products from there. If that exists and you have such a (cheap) version of Windows then you have a problem, but since you already have a version of Seamonkey there it obviously worked in the past.

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