Kirk-Anderson wrote:
I have been using an email server that is going away and I want to keep Sea Monkey as my mail client. I tried using Yahoo email server by adding my Yahoo email account to Sea Monkey. However, it did not let me log in until I used a special app passord which I have to recreate each time I open Sea Monkey So are there any other email servers that work with the current version of Sea Monkey ( I am using 2.49.4)?
Thanks for your support
   Kirk Anderson

Your ISP will usually provide a server you can use. I have ATT and Comcast as ISPs. You can also use Yahoo, Gmail and probably others with the correct settings. Normally you have to have an account with the site and login to the email server using your account credentials but they usually don't care about the actual email address you put on the message.

I notice your email address is and I know Cox has dome some changes to their email, I'm not exactly clear what those changes are. It seems if you don't have an email linked to your current account you can't use cox email, but since I don't use Cox email even though I am a Cox customer I don't really know what is going on.
Rob Steinmetz

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