Ever since the new facebook news feed it's been mostly unusable with Seamonkey for me. I'm wondering if others are having these issues and what we can do about it? Some examples. all verified not an issue in FireFox.

1) If I open more than 2 tabs seamonky locks up and/or gives unresponsive script errors. I have to force close with task manager.

2) Commenting does not open boxes so I get 1.5 lines as I type and can't see what I type

3) Notifications truncate so I can't read the entire notification.

4) Graphics tools in the Business manager don't work at all. I can do the function but it never saves. Other business manager functions don't work correctly either

5) General slow and unresponsiveness.

This month I am getting more and more sites that don't look right in SM that do in others or simply don't work. A lot of my business stuff like Mailchimp, square-space and more have serious lost functionality in SM. Not sure how much longer I can hang on to SM but I'm kicking and screaming about having to move.
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