Bret Busby wrote:

I am running
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0 SeaMonkey/2.53.6
Build identifier: 20210118013008
on UbuntuMATE Linux 20.10.

Seamonkey does not allow ad blocking plugins like Adblock Plus and Adblock Ultimate, etc, that are allowed by Firefox, and, a plugin name "Bluehell Firewall" that apparently does ad blocking and tracking blocking, is "not compatible with your version of Seamonkey.

A strip had been appearing across the top of the window, for a particular web site, and, it had displayed "Parts of the page that track your online activity were blocked <Keep Blocking> <Unblock> <Preferences> <x> "

In using a wireless mouse, that goes to sleep, when not in use, and, which requires to be clicked, to awaken it, in one instance, after logging in to the computer again, and, clicking the mouse, to awaken it, it apparently clicked on the "Unblock" option, which was then, implemented without confirmation being requested, and, I cannot restore the tracking blocking for that web site, and, so, now, I have even more problems with that web site, more than usual. It is one of those web site that can be useful when it behaves itself, but, is otherwise, problematic (and, apparently, as is revealed, a bit malicious).

The strip across the top of the window, no longer appears for that web site, and, in going into the web browser preferences, I can not find a way to restore the ad  blocking and tracking blocking, for that web site.

Why is Seamonkey blocking the ad blocking and he tracking blocking?

Why does Seamonkey not allow the plugins that  have mentioned, to work with this version of Seamonkey?

In that strip that no longer is displayed for that web site, on another web page, where the strip is displayed (sinister state government parliamentary web site), clicking on the Preferences button in the strip, to find whether I can remove the unblocking for the offending URL, has no effect; the "Preferences" button only takes me to the Preferences -> Privacy & Security menu.

And, in the Preferences -> Privacy & Security menu, are the two options;
"()Prevent tracking activities by known sites
() Warn me when known tracking activities were detected"
with the second option being able to be implemented, only when the first option is implemented.

But, unchecking both of those, and, then, checking them again, does not restore the ad blocking and tracking blocking, where it was inadvertently unblocked.

And, no option is apparent, for listing/editing blocked or unblocked web sites or URL's.

It is not plugins, but extensions that do the ad and tracking blocking. uBlock Origin still works well with SeaMonkey.

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