On 30/01/2021, NFN Smith <worldoff9...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Bret Busby wrote:
>> ublock origin is not found in searching in Add Ons, Extensions, or
>> Plug Ins for Seamonkey 2.53.6 for the build I previously specified.
> If you check the Release Notes
> (https://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.53.6/), there's a
> link there that resolves to
> https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock-for-firefox-legacy/releases
> Smith

Both that and the previously mentioned (by other people, I believe)
classic add-ons archive, both hosted at github, have only XPL (?)
files and source code files.

I am running Seamonkey on UbuntuMATE Linux.

These applications are not shown as having .deb packages or packages
otherwise installable on Ubuntu Linux, and, Seamonkey does not locate
them, in searching for add-ons to install.

I am not capable of building packages for installation, from source code.

So, how do I get either this version of ublock, or, the classic
add-ons thingy, installed into Seamonkey, to make it operable?

Bret Busby
UbuntuMATE User and Advocate
Clean Energy User and Advocate
Human Rights Advocate
UBI and Citizens Dividend Advocate

West Australia
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