> > I'll bet money it doesn't say "please distribute our dlls as .zip files
and ask the end
> > users to unzip them into the windows partition" anywhere)
> You can hate microsoft for the way they do things, even it is the way they
> intended them to be done.

It isn't the way microsoft intends things to be done, and that was kinda my
Seriously, I'm not kidding.  And this is important:
Why?  Because if you don't the reference counts are not going to be updated
in the registry.  And suppose you then install some software that DOES
maintain the reference counts correctly.  If it happens to install the same
named DLL, and you subsequently uninstall that application, the uninstaller
can (justifiably) remove the DLL from the system.

This is a very, very real issue when installing a 'new' core DLL such as a
.NET or MSVC7 support library, as there is a low chance of the end user
already having this file installed.

For Msvc6 it was easy - just make the installer run the "vc6redist.exe"
program to install the redistributable DLLs for you.  vc6redist.exe is
included with MSVC6 SP5 (so, the developers download the service pack, and
then bundle the redist.exe with the installers for the software they
release).  For Msvc7 it's harder - the end user must install the .Net
runtime libraries in order to install the Msvc7 support DLLs - and that's
like a 28MB download.

I did a hunt for you.  Check out these articles for the specific details.
(each is a long line URL, apologies if the lines are mangled)

Deploying applications created with Visual Studio .NET (aka "MSVC7"):


Essentially, "USE WINDOWS INSTALLER" is what they say here.  (And freenet
uses Nullsoft Installer not Windows Installer).   A quote:
Visual Studio .NET provides its redistributable files in the form of merge
modules. These merge modules encapsulate the redistributable DLLs and can be
used by setup projects or other redistribution tools. Using the merge
modules ensures that the correct files are redistributed with an
application. However, if your installer does not support distributing merge
modules, you can redistribute the DLLs embedded in the merge modules. You
need to either extract the DLLs from the merge modules or get them from the
product CD or DVD. Do not copy files from your hard disk.... Windows 2000
and newer operating systems provide a new feature, Windows File Protection,
which prevents the replacement of essential system files installed as part
of Windows 2000. Applications cannot overwrite these files because they are
used by the system and other applications.

Deploying applications created with MSVC6:


So, so much easier.  You can just upload vc6redist.exe on freenetproject.org
and say, hey kids, download this if you get "missing DLL" errors when
running freenet (or you can mod the webinstaller to run it automatically but
it will increase the installer size by approx 7MB and you only need to
install it once, ever, anyway).  And in most cases, the kids won't even get
missing DLL errors if you stick with vc6, because vc6 is over two years old
(and I can't imagine anybody who spends two years without installing any new

Save everyone grief and just rerelease from MSVC6 instead of MSVC7.  I mean,
clearly whoever did the release has access to both - as two releases were
done - whose crazy idea was it to make the MSVC7 release the main one?!

Also, the developer in question is perhaps the only Freenet developer with
access to MSVC7, adding further fuel to the argument to stick with MSVC6.
(I remember when I still only had MSVC5 and had to keep insisting that
changes to freenet.exe maintained compatibility with vc5 so I could still

On the other hand (playing devil's advocate a little), for future proofness
I'd migrate the installer to using Microsoft Windows Installer (.msi).  Why?
Well, the MSI DSK is free, and the Windows Installer system is very, very,
very good indeed.  And it works, and Microsoft rarely (need to) update it.
Actually, I'll look into this, because I doubt anyone else will bother.

> I also hate them: for designing a browser that has a repair function that
> cannot seem to repair itself
> [...]
> The spiders do enjoy making webs around it

Sorry, no idea what you were talking about there.


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