Ouf! I am pleased to success the installation with the last windows
installer. I have this error in the log and I can't receive anything's
with frost?

TimeMessageException 11:32:06Error while receiving message
freenet.Message: ClientPut @beed53bb0f44fd1d in state New ClientPut @
beed53bb0f44fd1djava.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access method
java.lang.Object.clone()Ljava/lang/Object; from class freenet.keys.SVK
11:32:06Error while receiving message freenet.Message: ClientPut
@496dc23be19bcf46 in state New ClientPut @
496dc23be19bcf46java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access method
java.lang.Object.clone()Ljava/lang/Object; from class freenet.keys.SVK
11:32:16I was GC'd without being closed! This means freeing of my bucket
was delayed: nullnull 11:32:16I was GC'd without being closed! This
means freeing of my bucket was delayed: nullnull


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