Yoopy!! I think I downloaded the english version of JRE 1.4.1. Now I use
The French. Now Freenet is working good with the last windows installer.
I work on XP PRO 2002.

Thanks to all!

Information about Fred's environment.
Available processors2   Maximum memory the JVM will allocate128 MB
Memory currently allocated by the JVM4 836 KB Unused allocated memory1
674 912 Bytes Memory in use3 278 128 Bytes   JVM VendorSun Microsystems
Inc. JVM NameJava HotSpot(TM) Client VM JVM Version1.4.1_01-b01
Operating SystemWindows XP OS Version5.1   Total size of the data
store900 MB Free space in the data store883 416 KB Used space in the
data store38 184 KB   Total pooled threads22 Available pooled threads13
Pooled threads in use9  

-----Message d'origine-----
[mailto:support-admin@;freenetproject.org] De la part de Matthew Toseland
Envoyé : vendredi 18 octobre 2002 17:38
Objet : Re: [freenet-support] java.lang.IllegalAccessError

On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 12:01:56PM +0200, Pierre Granier wrote:
> Ouf! I am pleased to success the installation with the last windows
> installer. I have this error in the log and I can't receive anything's
> with frost?
Try downloading freenet again - this might be a corrupt .jar file.
Otherwise, try using a different JRE - for example, the IBM one.
> TimeMessageException 11:32:06Error while receiving message
> freenet.Message: ClientPut @beed53bb0f44fd1d in state New ClientPut @
> beed53bb0f44fd1djava.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access method
> java.lang.Object.clone()Ljava/lang/Object; from class freenet.keys.SVK
> 11:32:06Error while receiving message freenet.Message: ClientPut
> @496dc23be19bcf46 in state New ClientPut @
> 496dc23be19bcf46java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access method
> java.lang.Object.clone()Ljava/lang/Object; from class freenet.keys.SVK
> 11:32:16I was GC'd without being closed! This means freeing of my
> was delayed: nullnull 11:32:16I was GC'd without being closed! This
> means freeing of my bucket was delayed: nullnull
> Thanks

Matthew Toseland
Freenet/Coldstore open source hacker.
Employed full time by Freenet Project Inc. from 11/9/02 to 11/11/02.

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