>Are you sure you can accept incoming connections?

Are you day dreaming?

Ya u are, so am i.

A couple of things that might help people esp new l'users, is
SSK keypair generation on web interface, i dunno something like
a click box to expand the insertion options for more advanced
meaning other than KSK insertion, like regression whatever that
means, expiry , key pair generation and "help!"

Reason being as it is this is done now by 3rd party tools and some
of this should be provided by the project itself with a more enhanced
gateway page or pages as this is what the public first sees.

Its easy for old hands to forget this is still the model T era of
computers and everyone has to be a mechanic or have 'that friend'
who is one, and everyone here is one of those friends.

Truth is the majority of folk with machines cant handle anything
much more complex than a game pad, is that. Click, install, run,
it works and if it doesnt its out the door.

There was something else,,,o yeah.

Colby have you tried the new windows installer without messing it?

I installed it on clean machine, clean of freenet anyway and it came
up pretty much right freenet.ini wise.

Just keep your node ref "node_nnnn" and your store and start over
fresh and over write or delete the rest of the crap. Anyway thats
the sledgehammer version,,,, other wise,,,,

>> # The port to listen for local FCP (Freenet Client Protocol) connections
>> clientPort=8888

whoops thats ure big problem, thats normally 8481,
you have it set the same as your fproxy port
set it to 8481 if you can

>> # The number of outstanding message replies the node will
>> # wait for before it starts to abandon them.
>> messageStoreSize=50000

I know thats the default, but i dropped it in mine to 500
and i still think thats more than plenty, but it not a showstopper

>> ########################
>> # Mainport settings
>> ########################
>> mainport.class=freenet.interfaces.servlet.MultipleHttpServletContainer
>> mainport.port=8888

nothin to change here just pointin out you had them set the same
>> mainport.params.servlet.2.params.class=freenet.node.http.NodeInfoServlet
>> mainport.params.servlet.2.params.port=8890

then there was a whole pack of repetiion

>> fproxy.params.FECDecoder_0_name=OnionDecoder_0
>> fproxy.params.FECDecoder_0_class=OnionFECDecoder
>> fproxy.params.FECEncoder_0_name=default_encoder
>> fproxy.params.FECEncoder_0_class=OnionFECEncoder
>> fproxy.params.FECEncoder_1_name=OnionEncoder_0
>> fproxy.params.FECEncoder_1_class=OnionFECEncoder
those are history and should be more like


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